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首页>《桓城深深(倾城雪)》  第42章

网友:Felicitas 打分:2 [2005-09-16 02:21:59]

Huge bear hug for 相思!!! You really did it and gave us a happy ending!!! Don't know why when I read this supposedly happy-ending, I felt like crying ... 55555 ... I can't believe they are finally together but only 15 more years? Sigh, guess 15 years of happiness is still far better than nothing.
I started sobbing (in the office) when I read the following: 她伏在他肩上,继续说道:“大海道,是我最喜欢的地方,那里曾经有一个大英雄,花儿少年,白日里明着暗着人前人後叫我力得哈斯尼威特,还夜夜拥着我入眠。我烧了好多灵石啦,为什么他还不回来?”
Such wonderful writing! Thank you for this touching story and thank you for the great interaction! I started reading novels on JJ in Oct last year and yours is definitely one of my favorite!


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