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网友:huer 打分:-2 [2005-03-09 05:15:37]
这我知道。不过我想,迟早总会好起来的……”千叶沉吟了一会儿,微微一笑,“如果我连这点自信心都没有的话,我也许就什么都没有了。” can’t help feel hurt for her but, in the mean time, you have to admire her, she is so amazing--so proud, so tough and so strong in such a gentle and quiet way
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网友:huer 打分:-2 [2005-03-09 05:15:37]
can’t help feel hurt for her but, in the mean time, you have to admire her,
she is so amazing--so proud, so tough and so strong in such a gentle and quiet way