“乐乐两年前就……走了,你居然不知道么?” 那天的谈话后来越发僵硬,草草结束。这几天的噩梦,梦的最后,总是程雪平淡无波的这一句问话。 你不知道么? people talking without speaking people hearing without listening people writing songs that voices never share 肖若回来的这两周有的时候就会很恍惚,不是特别悲伤,但是就是心里面堵得慌。她居然想不起乐乐的脸了。 “你们两个同时转学,就都没有消息了。” “后来我听说乐乐家搬走是为了给她治病……谁也不知道她得了什么毛病……老人都说阴天乐活不长的。” no one dare disturb the sound of silence fools said i you do not know silence like a cancer grows hear my words that i might teach you take my arms that i might reach you but my words like silence raindrops fell and echoed in the wells of silence 回忆里面的轮廓,慢慢被勾勒出来。一张白的近乎牛奶的脸庞,淡黄褐色的眼瞳忽闪得像猫眼一样,还有偏黄的头发。 乐乐,从小就有点毛病,她是白化病,老家叫做阴天乐,说这样的病人见不得阳光的。 居然,就走了。 肖若忽然觉得自己的生命一下子就空白了两年。 感冒的时候昏昏沉沉,睡觉总梦到一张模糊的奶白色的脸。 i turned my collar to the cold and damp when my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light that split the night and touched the sound of silence and in the naked light i saw ten thousand people maybe more