我在后台见到文若,他看上去挺开心,他什么时候都是很开心的。 文若一直在鼓励我,说这说那,提到已经叫李悟去给我买花了,我无力的说:“你让李悟多买一束吧,蒙龙也要上场。”文若一个劲地说好,然后掏出手机来打电话。 我的心情挺烦躁,大概是伴奏被删的缘故吧。 准备上台的时候,看到已经化了舞台妆的蒙龙,脸抹白了些,唇画红了些,与其说是绅士,不如说是恶魔并吸血鬼! 他拍了我的背,说:“合作愉快。” “2007含着许多的回忆,爱恨长流心间,致命无法呼吸。下面有请欣赏由殷乐、蒙龙带来的英文歌曲——《breathless》。” 伴随着强烈的欢呼声,我与蒙龙一左一右踩着优雅的步子走上舞台,灯光跟随着我俩的脚步,打下多个阴影。背景音乐响起,全场安静了些。我唯一能看得见的是舞台前面涌动的人群,以及似乎永不会停下的闪光灯。 不是第一次上台,却如第一次那般紧张。 蒙龙先拿起话筒:“If our love was a fairy tale I would charge in and rescue you On a yacht baby we would sail To an island where we’d say I do ” 我惊了惊,没想到他开头节奏踩得刚好,他唱完一句后,我抬手对着话筒:“And if we had babies they would look like you It’d be so beautiful if that came true You don’t even know how very special you are ” 我该说合作愉快么?我唱的时候,他就停下。 我们合唱:“You leave me breathless You’re everything good in my life You leave me breathless I still can’t believe that you’re mine You just walked out of one of my dreams So beautiful you’re leaving me Breathless ” 我调整了呼吸,把声音放轻柔,至少不能输给蒙龙:“And if our love was a story book We would meet on the very first page The last chapter would be about How I’m thankful for the life we’ve made ” 蒙龙似乎做了什么动作,惹得台下一片欢腾,闪光灯闪得更加激烈。他接着我的:“And if we had babies they would have your eyes I would fall deeper watching you give life You don’t even know how very special you are ” 几乎是同时,我们向前迈了一步:“You leave me breathless You’re everything good in my life You leave me breathless I still can’t believe that you’re mine You just walked out of one of my dreams So beautiful you’re leaving me ” 高/潮部分由我带头,我一句,他一句:“You must have been sent from heaven to earth to change me ” “You’re like an angel ” “The thing that I feel is stronger than love believe me ” “You’re something special ” “I only hope that I’ll one day deserve what you’ve given me ” “But all I can do is try ,every day of my life ” 我在他飙着高音混音时,唱着:“You leave me breathless You’re everything good in my life You leave me breathless I still can’t believe that you’re mine You just walked out of one of my dreams So beautiful you’re leaving me Breathless You’re everything good in my life You leave me breathless I still can’t believe that you’re mine You just walked out of one of my dreams So beautiful you’re leaving me Breathless…Breathless…” 掌声雷动,有两个女生带着大束鲜花从台下小跑上来,一个是杨茹,另一个是刚才送蒙龙东西的女孩子。她们跑上来已经引起其他人的尖叫,在蒙龙拥抱了那个女生后更引起女生们更高一波疯狂嘶喊。 我们扛着鲜花下台,我捏了把汗,还好蒙龙给我添什么麻烦。我说:“喂,这次谢谢你了。” “不谢,我只是想上台玩玩。”他从学生会那边放杂物的桌子拿了一个四四方方的盒子,CD盒,他说:“实话告诉你,你经过特别处理的伴奏被我掉包了,你的伴奏是这个,刚才放的是我找的。” 我怒上心头:差点没顾及形象而冲上去打他:“你搞什么!” “好玩咯。”他拉着我的手,把CD塞到我手上,“你怎么这么容易相信人的?不过,就是因为这样,所以才这么好玩。嘿!” 司徒达走过来:“我录了像了,你们要不要看?” “不看!” 我走的时候,听到司徒达似乎是在问蒙龙,“殷乐怎么火气这么大”。