贝司声先穿越身体与心脏共振起来,鼓声而后才响起,像进场的进行曲,鼓点规律流畅, “one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small and the ones that mother gives you don't do anything at all go ask alice when she's ten feet tall
and if you go chasing rabbits and you know you're going to fall tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar has given you the call recall alice when she was just small” 赵青沉的声音较之刚才那首收紧了很多,少了些砂砾感,显得紧绷而庄严,叫人不敢动弹,但又像故意为之的戏谑,像个正在操练士兵的女军官,咬词紧绷有力,但随时可能如邪典电影的主角一样,做出无可预知的荒诞事。那种隐藏在常规背后的不稳定性,让在场的乐迷们又坐不住了。
“when men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go and you've just had some kind of mushroom and your mind is moving low go ask alice i think she'll know
when logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead and the white knight is talking backwards and the red queen's ‘off with her head!’” 叶硼在这段中才将稍清亮的吉他音加进来,顾冬冬的鼓也开始急促亢进,赵青沉开始在台上原地踏步,一只手比作枪,指着自己被照得苍白的皮肤下突突的太阳穴,不大的场子里,不少人开始跟着她原地踏步起来,整个画面看起来说不出的诡异。
“remember what the dormouse said: ‘feed your head!’ ‘feed your head!’ ‘feed your head!’” 全场除了台上的乐队伴奏和刘然,全都踏起步来,小小的live屋里温度骤升了几度,不是刚才的疯狂,但同样的狂热投入。