「In our two loves there is but one respect,」(你我的相爱全出于一片至诚,) 「Though in our lives a separable spite,」(尽管不同的生活把我们隔开,) 「Which though it alter not love\'s sole effect,」(这纵然改变不了爱情的真纯,) 「Yet doth it steal sweet hours from love\'s delight.」(却偷掉许多密约佳期的欢快。)
「I may not evermore acknowledge thee,」(我再也不会高声认你做知己,) 「Lest my bewailed guilt should do thee shame,」(生怕我可哀的罪过使你含垢,) 「Nor thou with public kindness honour me,」 (你也不能再当众把我来赞美,) 「Unless thou take that honour from thy name:」 (除非你甘心使你的名字蒙羞。)