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首页>《憾生》  第25章

网友:facebook 打分:1 [2010-09-18 16:51:58]

the man changes..................... unreasonably.... I know you are a good writer. However, you need some logic...


[1楼] 网友:hengheng [2010-09-18 17:12:05]

u use unreasonably ,it is not enough, that is from the point of the guy . actually from the article,what is described is not convictive.


[2楼] 网友:abc [2010-09-18 20:21:36]

no logic?i don't think so.after reading this chapter,from TONG's behavior, at least i saw his love to HAN.supposing that someone u love in ur life is to leave without any prediction,how can u stay calm and still be a man who is selfish and cold? that's all i gonna to say.


[3楼] 网友:sunny [2010-09-18 20:34:13]

I’m agree with the upstairs!


[4楼] 网友:0 [2010-09-18 20:52:47]

da jia hao you cai,wo xie de shi ping ying!


[5楼] 网友:128 [2010-09-18 21:39:51]

agree, lack logic. it is sth the writer make it happen, which is impossible in real life. that's making story...unbelievable


[6楼] 网友:128 [2010-09-18 21:41:38]

however, maybe some weigh sth, like love, more than other things in his/her life.


[7楼] 网友:真是的 [2010-09-18 23:20:17]



[8楼] 网友:故乡明月 [2010-09-18 23:50:25]

dose love need logic?


[9楼] 网友:红烧鱼 [2010-09-19 00:16:46]



[10楼] 网友:seeley [2010-09-19 04:49:15]

To abc on the second floor:
I read your comment. I thought it was an interesting response. Here is how I see it:
The foundation of the whole story is whether or not this guy loves this woman, which I couldn't see from the story. And that's why a lot of people found the story illogical. I certainly couldn’t see the involvement of love when the guy was abusing the woman’s love to fulfill his ego. From the woman getting out of prison to the plane crash, I saw guilt from his heart and the guilt got deeper and deeper as he couldn’t sense any forgiveness from HanSheng and eventually he caused HanSheng’s “death”.
Maybe there was a little love, I mean maybe but it was covered with guilt. This is why his behavior at the beginning of the story totally made sense: he was seeking for forgiveness so he could move on with his own life. But when he couldn’t get what he wanted, he started to escape so he sent HanSheng abroad. Time can tear the deepest love apart, let alone the love covered with guilt. When people feel guilty, they will seek forgiveness, but if they can’t get it, they will ignore the issue and move on. This is instinct, human’s self protection.
To故乡明月on the eighth floor:
There is no reason or logic needed to fall in love with somebody, but after that, you certainly need something to keep the love going. You can’t just love somebody after he (she) keeps doing bad things to you. In that case, what is there to love? Wouldn’t love eventually be worn out?
The above are just my opinions, after all this is just a novel. I am open to discussions but not arguments.


[12楼] 网友:桂桂 [2010-09-19 06:52:07]

Could 'affection' be explained by logic or reason?


[13楼] 网友:abc [2010-09-19 11:00:24]

to seeley on the tenth floor:INSTINCTION---yes,it's the word that i'm in the most favor of ur comment.there is no doubt that TONG's love to HAN is not pure.in instinction,his heart was subsided by power and other material things;in instinction,he hurt her;in instinction,he sought for forgivness from her;in instinction,he wanted to pay for the debts he owed her;in instinction,conscious or not,he loved her to make both survive.but i believe the durance of his love(no y,no doubt,love is love).laughing or not,i'm still looking forward to everlasting.thx!


[16楼] 网友:。。 [2012-02-07 19:37:38]



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