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网友:wine 打分:2 [2010-04-25 22:53:54]
作者是南京人吗? 你说的是随家仓吧? 这么多年后听见有人提起我们当年相互调侃的地名真是亲切。I grew up in Nanjing and lived there for 23 years. I still want to go back someday if I have a chance. are you living in Nanjing now? I can meet you there when I visit my family next time.
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网友:wine 打分:2 [2010-04-25 22:53:54]
作者是南京人吗? 你说的是随家仓吧? 这么多年后听见有人提起我们当年相互调侃的
地名真是亲切。I grew up in Nanjing and lived there for 23 years. I still want to go back someday if I have a chance. are you living in Nanjing now? I can meet you there when I visit my family next time.