牧拉同学, I know I'm bad, I feel terriblly sorry about this! but ... 小刁同学, if you are the one who writes <花开一遭>, could you please take a bit time to go back around sometimes while you're walking all over the place in 'jjwxc'? do you know loads of people are waiting for the followings? especially after you've shown us such a good work?!
网友:hi! 打分:0 [2006-01-26 02:27:41]
牧拉同学, I know I'm bad, I feel terriblly sorry about this! but ...
小刁同学, if you are the one who writes <花开一遭>, could you please take a bit time to go back around sometimes while you're walking all over the place in 'jjwxc'? do you know loads of people are waiting for the followings? especially after you've shown us such a good work?!