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首页>《粮食大亨[三国]》  第18章

网友:小乔 打分:2 [2018-06-17 21:18:38]

Through Lv had threatened Cao by words, she did not have much confidence to save the people in Xia. She conquerd Zhang, a strong tiger and some worriors, but she knew clearly that they were not the top of strength in this age.
In the old memories she had heard of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were the most famous heros. And there was some relation to her, because her good friend Gan Eying was sent to their elder brother Liu Bei to be a woman in his backyard.
Father and mother of Lv sometimes would have the interest of telling her that how they conquered the Huangjin army. It was said that no one could block them and their arms were heavier than one hundred kilograms.


[1楼] 网友:寒冬夜行人 [2018-06-17 22:06:32]



[2楼] 网友:小乔 [2018-06-19 21:27:50]



[3楼] 网友:你的轻松熊 [2018-06-19 22:33:16]



[4楼] 网友:你的轻松熊 [2018-06-19 22:34:41]



[5楼] 网友:小乔 [2018-06-20 21:21:41]


1   [投诉]

[6楼] 网友:大胖次 [2018-06-28 18:01:56]



[7楼] 网友:L_AC [2018-06-29 00:19:42]



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