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网友:Pam 打分:2 [2005-01-31 17:40:38]
"张素行不知不觉地伸出手去,两眼射出了渴望热切,又有点贪婪的目光。她没有发现声音正在暗中鄙夷地冷笑着" Hope she can find what she is looking for. But from where the story is going, doesn’t look like that will happen. She can change bodies, but she can not change her soul. Can there be a good ending?
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网友:Pam 打分:2 [2005-01-31 17:40:38]
Hope she can find what she is looking for.
But from where the story is going, doesn’t look like that will happen. She can change bodies, but she can not change her soul.
Can there be a good ending?