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首页>《桓城深深(倾城雪)》  第38章

网友:Felicitas 打分:0 [2005-05-24 23:33:11]

网友:乘客 评论:《桓城深深(倾城·桓涉)》 打分:2 发表时间:2005-05-24 20:50:16
... ... 不过,小麴虽是配角,大人对他的形象塑造却是鲜明丰满,让人不由不喜欢.大人没把他写为对未盈一见钟情,然后花痴般为了她什么都可放弃,很好!大丈夫有所为,有所不为,小麴虽然感觉还带有孩子气,可也有着大丈夫气概呢.:)
I agree!!! 相思 has done such a great job in creating a likeable "2nd Man" in 小麴, which in another way showed how strong the love btw 桓涉 & 未盈 is. I was very touched by the novel. And 相思 is probably the best author who keeps communication with readers at real time! I really appreciate your effort!
To MM, I tried to install ZiGuang on my computer but didn't work either. So frustrating not being able to type Chinese!


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