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首页>《桓城深深(倾城雪)》  第35章

网友:Felicitas 打分:2 [2005-05-18 23:01:56]

Dear 相思, I started to follow your novel a week ago and wow, you are great!!! So great that I must surface and send you a big bunch of flowers! This third part about 唐 and 高昌 relationship has elevated the novel to a higher level and the story of 桓、李、麴 when 高昌 got defeated could be more dramatic and the environment would create more hardship for the lovers ... This is a great novel because it's so refreshing and lovely to see a heroine who can be strong and (although a little too late) can learn who she really loves; it's great to see the hero so strong and determined yet at the same time loving and sensitive; and the character of 麴智脩 has come to life as well.
Thank you again for your very hard work! 真是佩服你! Too bad I cannot type Chinese at work. I will go back to each chapter to add my comments (in Chinese).


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