关于作者有话说的补充说明: 本章发表于2013-09-13 11:00:00,《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》舞台剧于2016年7月30日在伦敦西区上演,请大家不要拿后者考据前者,谢谢。 另,被诅咒的孩子是官方承认的舞台剧,剧本是Thorne写的(来源wiki)。 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a two-part play, was written by British playwright Jack Thorne based on an original story by Thorne, John Tiffany and Rowling. Some websites were listing all three as authors of the script【23】 but by 26 July 2016, the official web site for the play 【24】 and many others (including the BBC)【25】 were listing Thorne as the sole script writer.
作者评论 打分:0 [2017-07-13 20:30:55]
本章发表于2013-09-13 11:00:00,《哈利·波特与被诅咒的孩子》舞台剧于2016年7月30日在伦敦西区上演,请大家不要拿后者考据前者,谢谢。
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a two-part play, was written by British playwright Jack Thorne based on an original story by Thorne, John Tiffany and Rowling. Some websites were listing all three as authors of the script【23】 but by 26 July 2016, the official web site for the play 【24】 and many others (including the BBC)【25】 were listing Thorne as the sole script writer.
[1楼] 网友:十二金玉 [2018-12-04 23:09:43]
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[2楼] 网友:微微清风 [2020-05-04 11:45:54]
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