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首页>《读者和主角绝逼是真爱》  第1章

网友:7458895393% 打分:2 [2024-10-10 20:11:45] 来自中国台湾

I do not feel there is any problem with writing BL stories when sensitive content is already under-controlled by the website with a warning about the readers’ age. I admit my motivations were not good enough though it was not only trying to please someone else.
I do feel men who watch porns are NOT better than these: they are worse to me probably.
But I still suggest you stop writing stories. Maybe I have been expressing/typing/doing wrong or not.


[1楼] 网友:卷毛 [2024-10-15 21:09:07] 来自广东

没听懂 有没有翻译啊?撒花

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[3楼] 网友:潇. [2024-10-22 16:31:27] 来自浙江



[4楼] 网友:鲈鱼 [2024-11-05 15:46:46] 来自山西


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