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首页>《扑倒蛇祖》  第4章

网友:... 打分:2 [2013-07-12 13:07:41]

Gringott was a celebrated goblin who founded Gringotts Wizarding Bank. For the Bank\'s founding and presumable management, Gringott was featured on a Chocolate Frog Card.
GringottGringott\'s Chocolate Frog Card.
Behind the scenes
Gringott\'s Chocolate Frog Card does not give out his dates. However, since it is known that Gringotts Bank was already established by 1743, we can assume that he lived sometime in or prior to the 18th century.
The bank was created by Gringott at some point in or before 1743. The bank was then put in the hands of the Ministry of Magic. In 1865, the Ministry decided to put full control of Gringotts back in goblin hands.
During Voldemort\'s control of the Ministry (1997 to 1998), the bank was put yet again under the Ministry.With the defeat of Voldemort and the end of the Second Wizarding War, Gringotts was presumably put back into Goblin management.


[1楼] 作者回复 [2013-07-12 13:56:11]



[2楼] 网友:夜猫 [2019-06-15 23:47:54]



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