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首页>《傲慢与偏见之简·贝内特小姐的囧人生》  第20章

网友:男主是谁??? 打分:2 [2011-08-18 14:17:54]

i am beginning to lean towards the nicholas guy instead of darcy...but it seems to me that all the hints point to the inevitable.. which is that darcy is indeed the male lead in this novel.. : /


[1楼] 网友:夜郎王 [2012-07-19 05:12:23]


[2楼] 网友:11 [2012-07-27 09:39:09]

i love nicholas too :)


[3楼] 网友:路人甲 [2016-08-06 17:11:02]

should have known when you first readed


[4楼] 网友: [2021-01-30 23:03:41]

Why do you talk in English

1   [投诉]

[5楼] 网友:65990891 [2024-01-13 21:15:12] 来自湖北



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