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首页>《有珠何须椟》  第31章

网友:gunhowitzer 打分:0 [2011-07-31 18:39:13]

I didn’t plan to say it but… after reading this chapter, I just have to say…
Please don’t make Chun Chun becomes the best doctor or has the best medical skill. Even without it, he is awesome the way he is…
There is one thing that makes Chun Chun different from most of the main characters in this series, it is the fact that he is best at nothing.
In terms of good looks and wealth, he is not as good as Xue Linh Bi and Hua Huai Xiu
In terms of martial arts, he is nowhere near Yuan Ao Ce or Ji Miao Hua
In terms of cunning and smartness, he is far behind Feng Gu Dao, Ji Wu Di or Fan Ji Jing
But, if you ask, do people love him any less? I believe many people would say “maybe not”. As for fans of Chun Chun, it would be a flat “absolutely no”.
Then what makes Chun Chun such a lovely person?
First and first and first, it is his looks. Don’t try to deny it,you can’t. Every girl likes hot guys or cool guys, including you and me and the author Bing Zi. And Chun Chun, even though not the best, is definitely one of the best good looking guys in the series.
I will do something as repetitive and boring as describing Chun Chun once more, even though I know that many many people here have again and again described his appearance in their comments, and many many others still remember how he looks without being reminded of it. But, like Chun Chun said painting Ming Zun twice was not enough, I think describing Chun Chun one (or a few) more time was acceptable.
Let’s look back all the way from the first story in the series, Xiu Mu, when the author has not yet realized that Chun Chun was her real son. She made fun of him, let Ji Wu Di and Yuan Ao Ce bully him and rob his jewel chessboard and □, shattered his home and killed his dad…. but, maybe due to the unrealized family bond deep down inside her, or maybe due to the never dying love for hot guys, she still awarded Chun Chun with a dazzling appearance.
The first time Chun Chun appeared in this story, he was like “the light of the early raising sun, clear away the darkness before the eyes of Ji Wu Di, let him see brightly” (I know it is suck, I am sorry, but I can’t translate better T__T)
The next time we saw him, he was “dressed in snowy white, elegant like the water and the mountain, but his eyes were tainted with weary and sadness”.
Chun Chun’s appearance was not described in details in Bai Xu, only as a white silhouette in the snowy sky whose face was blurred by the snow. But it is here that Bing Zi gave Chun Chun the best description, though it was done through the lies of Xue Linh Bi, as “the most elegant”. Although it is short and simple, I think that line suits Chun Chun the most.
Move on to Shi Ru, Chun Chun once again shined brightly in the eyes of Tao Mo, being as gentle and elegant as the moon and the snow. In this story, Chun Chun’s beauty has one new value: being used as sedative for Tao Mo.(You still remember when they had lunch at Xian Wei restaurant, Tao Mo did not want to be affected by Yi Yu so he looked at Chun Chun to calm himself down?)
All the time we see him, all the time he shines in his gentle way. But the most beautiful image of Chun Chun in my mind is still the one in You Zhu, where Bing Zi described Chun Chun like “a cool breeze in a hot summer day”, “the new moon in the sky of fireworks”. So modest, but so pleasing. People feel warm and relaxed just by looking at him, or in my case, thinking of him.
When there is a first, there is a next. Although Chun Chun has a beautiful dazzling gentle elegant appearance, that was not all he has. Even more than his appearance, it is his positive thinking and kind-heartedness that makes him different from most others.
事情总是接二连三的出现 。尽管春春有着美丽迷人的、优雅温文的外表、他还有着其他的品质。除却外表之外,他的乐观和善良明显得将他和其他人区分开来。
I admire it when his home was shattered, his dad died but he was still able to let go of revenge and chose to requite Ming Zun’s favors.
I love it when he was captured and sold as a slave, but could still think positively(i.e. think about Ming Zun) to encourage himself.
(affected by Shi Qi’s comment, I really doubt if it was how Ming Zun survived at Xue Linh Bi’s place or if it was Ming Zun himself that Chun Chun was thinking of)
I adore it when Chun Chun, while poisoned by Ji Qing Lan, could still see the good in him while so many readers hate him so much.
(I know Shi Ji saw it too, but she wasn’t poisoned by Ji Qing Lan so Chun Chun is still a bit more kind-hearted)
So, if it is Chun Chun’s appearance that makes me notice him, it is his inner beauties that makes me love and admire him.
After so much ranting, let me go back to my original purpose of writing all these. What I wanna say is that the current Chun Chun has so many good points, but they are not always described clearly and repeatedly enough for the readers to recognize and value them. So I am afraid that if the author, as the true mother of Chun Chun, wants him to be able to learn from the white jade Guan Yin statue and become one with the best medical skill, that fact alone would make his other qualities, other than his looks, dull and not noticeable.
There has been a Xue Linh Bi, who has wealth, prestige and martial arts but all people remember is his good looks. I would not want Chun Chun to be one with good looks, a bright mind and a kind heart but all people remember is his (not yet but may be acquired) medical skill.
So please, let Chun Chun be the current 肩不能抗手不能提,文不成武不就,琴棋书画样样不精的端木回春. Hua Hua, and we too, love him the way he is….
P.S.: I am sorry for writing this in English. I would write it in Chinese but I can’t, the fact is I don’t know any Chinese and cannot write even one Chinese word.
I know my English sucks too, but please forgive me. I have tried my best >___<


[1楼] 网友:MUSE [2011-07-31 18:49:23]



[2楼] 网友:kakasha [2011-07-31 18:50:16]



[3楼] 网友:xiaoyu [2011-07-31 18:53:38]



[4楼] 网友:Mohanzi [2011-07-31 18:56:41]



[5楼] 网友:桃花仙 [2011-07-31 19:48:06]



[6楼] 网友:某球 [2011-08-01 13:30:59]



[7楼] 网友:拉线不拉灯 [2011-08-01 13:59:19]



[8楼] 网友:晴空 [2011-08-01 14:00:46]



[9楼] 网友:junji0219 [2011-08-01 15:08:47]



[10楼] 网友:萱然 [2011-08-01 20:58:35]



[11楼] 网友:packyderm_红 [2011-08-01 21:58:58]



[12楼] 网友:packyderm_红 [2011-08-01 22:01:11]



[13楼] 网友:有情风月 [2011-08-04 21:03:54]



[14楼] 作者回复 [2011-08-13 13:29:01]



[15楼] 网友:巴妻 [2011-08-13 23:51:27]



[16楼] 网友:梨花 [2011-10-03 14:48:07]



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