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首页>《天使的微笑》  第28章

网友:atlantis 打分:2 [2006-10-12 22:57:22]

I want to say sth to all the readers instead of 風妃sama.
Sorry about the language, but I can only write in English because I am now in England.
Generally speaking, 風妃sama can not renewing the story until next summer because she's got a lot to do this year--- the year of Senior 3. The readers over 19 must understand her because you have had the experience, the crazy homework and tremendous review exercises. The readers under 19 also can understand her by doubling and doubling again your work you are doing now.
So everybody, please be patient and wait for her renewing. If you cannot wait anymore, then just leave it out of your memory until next summer. And you may see it again on the list of stories.
Let's give 風妃sama our best wishes for her unversity entrance examinations.


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