关于第六章的Peter Yang,第一个被发现解离出来的人格分析:
这个人格还不能算太完整,我让Sherlock解离出一个亚裔的人格是因为他有黑色头发。这个人格下意识还保留有Sherlock的个性,例如他自认为他是个「乖僻与不合群,性格倨傲至极,大家都在他背后说他是怪胎一枚」,然后Dr. John Watson是「唯一肯包容忍受他坏脾气的人,即使他很冷淡,医师还是对他照顾有加」。但他的自卑找不到出口,所以想象自己是个亚裔人种。然而,他也很后悔,他怀疑是不是「他自己把人际关系彻底搞砸了鸠由自取」,但从前他没有在乎过任何人,这里是他矛盾的地方。在意的人Dr. John Watson要离开他了,他是不是被讨厌了(因为Sherlock的情商程度的确无法理解这个)?
在情感上,明显表现出爱情的无奈与强迫自己放手。例如他一再告诉自己Dr. John Watson是百分百直男,又要结婚了,他根本不可能有半点机会(连Bill Reagan这么漂亮的人医师都拒绝了,更何况现在的他很难看)。可是在看见Bill Reagan和医师亲密的样子,他又忍不住妒火上升,因为他下意识认为连他都可以体贴Dr. John Watson,忍耐自己不要去骚扰他了,那么Bill Reagan又凭什么有资格?
最后Bill Reagan的死不是意外,下一章节就会提到了。(但Sherlock本来就自认为自己是反社会型人格,他本能怕自己是不是因为忌妒而杀死Bill Reagan。当然在我故事架构背面还有更可怕的理由,这里先卖关子不剧透了)
The most common presenting complaint of DID is depression , with headaches being a common neurological symptom.Co-morbid disorders can include substance abuse , eating disorders , anxiety , posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and personality disorders . [ 25 ] A significant percentage of those diagnosed with DID meet the criteria for DSM axis II personality disorders such as borderline personality disorder ; [ 19 ] a significant minority meet the criteria for avoidant personality disorder and other personality disorders, [ 26 ] with around half fitting Borderline Personality Disorder specifically.
Key words: depression, headaches, eating disorders, personality disorders, avoidant personality disorder, other personality disorders.
1. Dissociative identity disorder-. wikipedia(無日期). 2015年10月4日取自https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociative_identity_disorder
2. [25] Galbraith PM, Neubauer PJ (2000). "Underwriting considerations for dissociative disorders" (pdf). Journal of insurance medicine 32 (2): 71–78. PMID 15912905
3. [19] Gillig PM (2009). "Dissociative Identity Disorder: A Controversial Diagnosis". Psychiatry (Edgmont (Pa. : Township)) 6 (3): 24–29. PMC 2719457.PMID 19724751.
4. [26] Ellason JW, Ross CA, Fuchs DL (1996). "Lifetime axis I and II comorbidity and childhood trauma history in dissociative identity disorder". Psychiatry 59 (3): 255–266.PMID 8912944.
回避型人格障碍Avoidant personality disorder ( AvPD ),ICD-10-CM F60.6
1. 泛化的紧张感与忧虑
2. 相信自己在社交上笨拙,没有吸引力或不如别人
3. 在社交场合过分担心会被人指责或拒绝
4. 除非肯定受人欢迎否则不肯与他人打交道
5. 出于维护躯体安全感的需要,在生活风格上有许多限制
6. 由于担心批评、指责或拒绝,回避那些与人密切交往的社交或职业活动。
People with avoidant personality disorder often consider themselves to be socially inept or personally unappealing and avoid social interaction for fear of being ridiculed, humiliated , rejected , or disliked. As the name suggests, the main coping mechanism of those with avoidant personality disorder is avoidance of feared stimuli. [1]
Key words: disorder often socially inept or personally unappealing, avoid social interaction for fear of being ridiculed, rejected, disliked, avoidance of feared stimuli.
1. 迴避型人格障礙-. A+醫學百科(無日期). 2010年10月4日取自http://cht.a-hospital.com/w/%E5% ... C%E9%9A%9C%E7%A2%8D
2. 迴避型人格障礙-. 維基百科(無日期). 2010年10月4日取自https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E ... C%E9%9A%9C%E7%A4%99
3. Avoidant personality disorder.wikipedia(無日期). 2010年10月4日取自https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoidant_personality_disorder
4. [1] "Anxious [avoidant] personality disorder". International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision (ICD-10). Retrieved 19 February2015.