最后何稚衣还是召了司机送冷月回澄夏。从招待所出来已经快子夜,军牌车掉头飞奔回后海,正赶上新一轮劲歌到了高潮处。安菲已经扔了主音吉他,除了鼓手阿罗其他人也全都站着,随着激烈的节奏过筛子似地集体狂抖,台下则从舞池到卡座都站满了共鸣抽搐中的人群。安菲原本清冽的嗓音此刻浸染着雌雄莫辨的性感,一首《Any Man of Mine》被他唱出了Shania都没有的妖娆和冶艳,何稚衣站在人群后面,只觉得鸡皮疙瘩一颗,一颗,再一颗地往地上掉,可是非但不难受,还有种说不出的酥麻。
This is what a woman wants... Any man of mine better be proud of me Even when I'm ugly he still better love me And I can be late for a date that's fine But he better be on time Any man of mine'll say it fits just right When last year's dress is just a little too tight And anything I do or say better be okay When I have a bad hair day