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20、To my frist love story ...

  •   Sorry to bother you,but I want to tell you something.
      You are a good boy and deserve to be loved, but it was your misfortune to meet me.
      I didn\'t cherish the previous you are my loss, so be careful not to run into people like me again.
      When we broke up, I thought I could forget you and everything about you, even try a new relationships.
      Facts proved me wrong, I can\'t forget you.
      I was very very angry when other girls appeared in your □□ sapce.
      I dreamd of you coming back to me two days in a row.

      I always thought that what you need in this relationship is growth, no longevity.
      But I didn\'t think about how you felt, your needs. And whether I would regret it when I left you.
      I really want to go back to when you love me, but I know that is impossible.
      You\'ll never come back, it\'s all my fault.

      Untl now, I still love you.

      If you think I\'m late for all this, please don\'t worry about what I said today.
      Turn around and start a new life.
      As for me…
      I\'ll be right here waiting for you until I meet someone who deserves to be loved.

      Oh~my god!
      I\'m like a maniac tonight.
第20章 To my frist love story

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