“Sorry to startle you, I came to collect my fitness tracker. I forgot to take it with me when I was showering just now. What were you saying that I didn't quite catch? Could you please repeat it for me?”(不好意思,吓到你了,我是来拿我的运动手环的,刚刚洗澡忘记拿走了,你刚刚在说什么我没听明白,能麻烦再说一遍吗?)柯德十分无辜地摊手解释。
“It's nothing. Where is your fitness tracker? I'll get it for you so you don't wet your shoes。”(没什么,你的运动手环在哪?我帮你拿,免得弄湿你的鞋子了。)他强装镇定,表现地毫不在意一般,大大咧咧的帮柯德找运动手环。