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11、第3话[Episode 03]:初始的预谋[Original Premeditation] ...
男人轻轻将品尝过的咖啡放置到桌面上,阳光透过大厦办公室玻璃照射进来,映照沙发的人影跟前,那是一名身穿黑色西装高挑男性——他有着暗淡的灰金色,宛如被刀子切入脸孔似锐利双眸,及灰金暗淡的短发,衣着整理有些散乱,年龄外貌大约三十余岁,却给人一种经历不少沧桑岁月感——DEM社执行董事「Issac Ray Pelham Westcott艾扎克·雷佩勒姆·伟斯考特」,国际经济表面以企业经济包含食品、药物、农业、科技乃至军·事范围全球领军人物,单论金钱地位几乎无人能及,同时也是世上唯一制造显现装置公司高层管理.
他此时正坐办公室沙发,好似惬意地享受眼前的一切,“Why are boring days so hardIsn't there anything interesting~(为什么无趣的日子会这么难熬呢难道就没有什么有趣的事情吗)”
“Ike,if you're boredI think you can do what you should do as a high-level person……for example:these documents that have been piled up for two months but haven't had time to deal with……(艾克,如果你觉得无聊的话我认为你可以好好做一下身为高层应该做的事情……好比:这些堆积了两个月却还没来得及处理的文件……)”一道些许不满哭腔年轻女声从旁侧办公桌传出,似乎是不断处理文件的翻书声,但不可看见想象中的女性,因为繁多的文件已将人彻底掩盖.
“Ellen,you really don't understand the amorous feelings~don't you know what the pleasure of being a boss is(「艾伦」,你真是不解风情啊~难道你不知道身为老板的乐趣是什么吗)”
“Is what(什么啊)”
“Squeeze employees~(压榨员工啊~)”
怎么会有这种变态的抖S老板!被称为「艾伦」的女性全名为「Ellen Mira Mathers艾伦·米拉·马瑟斯」,她微微发出悲鸣抱头痛吼,桌上文件“啪啪”掉落下来……「艾扎克」捡起一份标明特殊文档文件,不管瘫倒一旁的「艾伦」自个阅读起来,期间不禁皱起一丝丝眉头……
“Ellen,this is ... an unrecorded Spirit(「艾伦」,这是……未记录过的『Spirit精灵』)”
她正面回应「艾扎克」此时的疑惑.“About eight days ago,it suddenly landed in the north of Russia.Although there are still doubts,it is generally designated as SS,which is characterized by:it is similar to the attack mode of ordinary elves,but it relies on many angel skills to equip several long swords.It is even more strange that this is the first time that a male elf has appeared since the birth history of elves.The code name is Saber for the time being.Individuals seem to have more basic wisdom, but somehow they have not caused too much damage to the outside world except for causing Spacequake(大约八天前,突然降临在俄罗斯北部,虽然尚有怀疑但普遍将其『空间震』等级规模定为SS,特征为:与普通精灵攻击模式相似但却依靠诸多天使技能装备数把长剑,更为奇怪这次是自精灵诞生历史以来第一次出现性别为男性的精灵,代号暂且为『Saber剑士』,个体似乎具备基本智慧以上,但不知为何除引发『空间震』外没有对外界造成过多破坏与伤害,虽说没有表现过多攻击欲望但仍具备一定反击能力)”
“OhGenerally speaking,elves are bound to have a lot of desire to attack in this world.After all,looking at the human world from the perspective of elves,they are in a state of being alone in enemy camps.Even if people think differently,it is common sense in the world to attack the enemy,but according to what you said……(哦一般来说精灵现世必定会具有很多攻击欲望,毕竟以精灵视角看待人类世界而言是处于孤身敌营状态,即使换位人类思考:向敌人发起攻击也是世间常理,可是照你所说……)”
“Ike,please don't say anything like anti-humanity,it will only serve as an excuse for those useless guys on the board to dig at you.(艾克,请不要随便言明类似反人类说辞,这只会成为董事会那帮无用的家伙挖苦你的借口)”身为秘书的「艾伦」严厉着批评.
“Ellen,don't be so strict~in fact,I like them very much~(「艾伦」,也不用这么严格的啦~事实上我啊,挺喜欢他们的呢~)”
“……”艾伦此刻用仿佛关爱弱智眼神一般怜悯看着面前这位身居高位的CEO「艾扎克」,“Let's skip this topic first,the important thing is this……(这个话题先跳过吧,重要的是这个……)”
桌面上,「艾扎克」注视着眼前这份用简单文字概括的资料——其上所述,出现未登录精灵『Saber』俄罗斯红色戒备部队及『AST』受令进行作战,“Ellen,have you read the informationWhat do you think is the danger index of this elf(「艾伦」,资料你已经看过了吧你觉得这只精灵的危险指数是多少)”「艾扎克」缓缓抽出被夹里面录像带一手摆弄,合上文案,一脸似有似无微笑.
一旁「艾伦」却说出让他不明所以的话.“No anymore dangerous(没有……)”
“Oh What does this mean(哦这是……什么意思)”「艾扎克」仍然保持着微笑,但脸容却陷入一丝冷色,微眯眼看着眼前的女人.
此刻艾伦一种平淡语气却严肃回答,“This elf was confirmed dead on the day it appeared(这只精灵在出现当天便被确认——死亡)”
看着眼前的这份录像,「艾扎克」一股莫名违和感从脑子一闪而过……“This is the new elf Saber(这就是新出现的精灵『Saber剑士』)”
“Yes,what's the matter(是的,怎么了)”
“Nothing, just a slight feeling that this elf seems ... I don't know whether it is weak or intentional or not. In short, his physical condition is very strange, and some behaviors and actions ... He is not as you said, without any desire to attack(没什么,只是略微觉得这只精灵,似乎……不知该说力量弱小还是有意为之亦或未全诞生.总之他的身体状况很是奇怪,以及一些行为举动……他也并未像你所说如此,没有一丝攻击欲望吧)”
“Ike,maybe I didn't make it clear-he still has a certain ability to fight back,but please take a good look at the report in his hand.According to the records in northern Russia,there were 84 fighters in the Red Guard Force and AST at that time,among which 52 were slightly injured and 18 were seriously injured.Fortunately,the rescue was timely and the whole staff was fine,so no death count was created.14 people who were missing due to fighting have all been found……Ike!(艾克,可能是我没有说清楚——他仍然具有一定反击能力,但也请你好好看手中的报告.据俄罗斯北部记录,当时红色戒备部队与『AST』参战人员共计84人,其中轻伤者达到52个,重伤者18位,但好在抢救及时全员无大碍,所以没有创造死亡计数,因战斗失踪者有14名也已全部找齐……艾克!)”正巧「艾伦」翻阅报告时一旁听闻犹如教师讲课的「艾扎克」不免显得似乎昏昏欲睡.
“All right,all right!~I know,have a good look~(好啦好啦!~我知道了,有好好看哦~)”「艾扎克」此刻运用操作器将视频不断快进直至整个录像结束,原本参战到后续结束近乎30余分钟视频,硬是压缩不到两分钟看完,这并非强调他的记忆力多么强悍,只是他单纯认为将整段录像认真看完甚至达到熟背的地步纯碎浪费时间,在他脑海已有较清晰的思路及让人在意的疑点,所以这份宝贵的时间花费于何处不言而喻!“Ellen,do you think this sudden item is really an Spirit(「艾伦」,你认为这次突然出现的物品,真的是『精灵』吗)”
“What do you mean(你这是什么意思)”
只见「艾扎克」比划拇指摸着自己嘴唇,不禁勾去一丝丝邪魅笑容,“Don't you think the scale,grade and mode of Spacequake are exaggerated(『空间震』的规模等级以及模式,你不觉显得过于夸张吗)”
“Ike,are you trying to emphasize that the scale of Spacequake is not close to the strength and attack desire displayed by elvesMaybe I don't know as much about Spirit as you do,but if you deny it as Spirit,what is it(艾克,难不成你是想强调『Spacequake空间震』规模与『精灵』所展示实力与攻击欲望之间不近吻合『Spirit精灵』是什么东西或许我并不如你了解的多,但眼前这样一个存在,你若是将它否定为『Spirit精灵』,那么它又是什么……)”
“Something else,something……(其它的,某些东西吧……)”「艾扎克」只右手抬起扶着下巴默默点点嘴唇.
“Ellen,are you sure it's true that the elves died(「艾伦」,确定精灵死亡是事实吗)”
手持文件的「艾伦」将夹层打开再次确认无误,“Yes,through the infiltration of internal personnel,the death of the elf Saber related content,there is no wound in the outer shell,but through the transparent detector,the interior is in a chaotic state,and it is speculated that the error caused by the birth of this elf led to organ distortion.There is no life feature,and the body is kept in the military center of Moscow,the Russian headquarters(……是的,经由渗透内部人员传出信息,精灵『Saber』相关内容的死亡事实,外壳没有任何伤口,但通过透明检测仪检查内部处于混乱状态,推测这名精灵诞生时出现误差导致器官扭曲,现已无任何生命特征,尸体保留在俄罗斯总部莫斯科军·事中心)”
“These are not important……What about the spiritual crystallization(这些,不重要……灵结晶呢)”
“Sorry,after all,it is the military headquarters of other countries.Although it has been pressured by high-level enterprises,civil or international organizations,government and other agencies,it is still impossible to recover the bodies in a proper way.The scheme of illegally stealing the bodies is only in the preparatory stage.Because the personnel of the Russian military department have not dissected the elves' bodies,there is no relevant information on the crystallization of spirits for the time being.(抱歉,毕竟是别国军·事总部,虽然已通过企业高层、民间或国际组织、政府等机关给予施压,但现如今还是无法以正当方式回收尸体,非法偷盗尸体这个方案也仅仅处于筹备阶段,由于俄罗斯军部人事原因机关人员还未对精灵的尸体进行解剖,所以相关灵结晶信息也暂时没有)”
“Ellen,it's been eight days since it happened,but I'm a little disappointed with your efficiency.(「艾伦」啊~事情从发生到现在已经八天,然而我对你的行动效率却有些失望)”「艾扎克」脸色冷凌下来,原本死灰眼神此刻更是宛如一滩死水,平静毫无生气,却充斥一股难以抚平的怒火,纵使现在没有表现出来,与之相处许久的「艾伦」还是能感受到来自旁边名为「艾扎克」的男人内心不满……或许并非不满吧因为他两边嘴角仍露出一丝丝上扬,表示他仍保有余韵.
“嗯……!”面对「艾扎克」叫唤,「艾伦」才反应过来,摇摇头将多余念头扫尽出去,毕竟现在的自己可没有太多空闲时间浪费在没有意义思考上,既然为剑便只需听命持剑者就可,「艾伦」心中怀抱尽全力辅佐的想法.“I'm sorry,I'll do it as soon as possible,to ensure that the task will be completed within two days,and the body of Saber will be transported back to the headquarters(抱歉,这件事情我会尽快去办,保证两天之内完成任务,将『Saber』尸体运回本部)”
“OK!~that's right,but an apology is unnecessary,Ellen~(嗯~这样就对了,不过道歉是多余的,「艾伦」~)”「艾扎克」转侧身看向一直站立的秘书「艾伦」,“I told you that no matter what you do or what you do behind your back,you have to pay a price if you want to achieve your goal,but you don't need to worry about what it is,as long as you achieve my ideal goal,it is the biggest gift or apology,understand(我跟你说过,不管表面行动亦或背地手脚,想要达到目的就需付出代价,但具体是什么你无需多管,只要达到我理想的目的就是最大的赠送或歉礼,明白吗)”
“Ok,this is the case for the time being.Look at this……(好了,这件事暂时这样.你看看这个……)”男人无聊地摆摆手,将录像重新调回到初始地方,靠在沙发,拇指时不时抚摸嘴唇,一副饶有趣味样子.