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91、番外一:小岛蜜月 ...

  •   “阿——!!!!尔——!!!!”















































      Gellert kissed albus\'s eyes, swallowed the tear down his throat, and softly rubbed his lips against albus\'s closed eyelids.

      Albus\'s breath was quickened by the deepening kiss, and the heat of the breath hit gellert\'s neck and made his throat itch.

      So gellert stopped up albus\'s two flower-thin lips and tipped them toward him, his fingers moving quite ageless from his waist,One slipped under the hem of his coat, swam to the point where albus stood up slightly for the kiss, and the other slid down, clinging to the other\'s rounded hips, rubbing the soft flesh on them.

      The unaudible moans came from albus\'s throat, but were instantly swallowed by gellert. It was a long kiss, hot and fierce as a duel,Gellert felt the man beneath his writhe uncontrollability of the touch and finally let go of the rose he was holding in his mouth. Both gasped, and a long thread of silver rose rose between their lips.

      The colour made gellert hungrier, not in his stomach but in his heart, and he held albus\'s waist to his breast, forcing him to lean back and reveal his white neck.Gellert kissed albus\'s Adam\'s apple and tasted it with his tongue and lips as if it were a delicacy.

      He heard albus\'s breath grow heavier, mingled with a few unbearable groans, and he took his hand and stroked it skillfully around albus\'s slightly heated penis.

      Albus soon squealed with delight, his whole body flushed with pleasure, and gellert smiled and quickened his hand. Within a few moments there was a whimper above his head, and then albus\'s penis shot semen out of his hand.

      \"Comfortable Al.\" Gellert let go of albus\'s quivering penis and massaged the soft flesh between his legs, which was twitching from ejaculation.

      阿不思还没有从余韵中缓过神来,只是咬着嘴唇轻轻点了点头。这些天他一直都忙着在孤岛上开垦荒地,种植花草,连每晚睡前也只是和盖勒特蜻蜓点水地亲热一下。His body had been celibate for more than twenty years, like a lock of fertile soil, and now the only one entitled to play with it had arrived.

      “盖尔……”阿不思呻吟着将盖勒特抱得更紧,他此时半眯的眼睛已不太能看清盖勒特的样子,但那充斥在卧室里的熟悉气味却令他感觉到如此安全。Albus was fondly touching the muscles between gellert\'s chest and stomach, while gellert felt the temperature of their lower bodies rise a little.

      Gellert moved his hand from the base of his leg to albus\'s more secret place. He smiled as he spotted albus\'s changed vagina for easier sex.

      “告诉我,阿尔,”He reached into albus\'s vagina and stirred it,“这是你第一次变换身体吗?”

      The moist fluid oohed from gellert\'s fingers, and albus nodded vigorously, but still felt horribly empty inside. He grabbed gellert by the thigh and pulled him down on his raised body.

      Gellert understood, smiling and pulling back albus\'s unconscious legs, he pushed his huge penis against the other\'s vagina and turned it around. \"I just knew how much you wanted me to fuck you.\"

      Twenty years had passed, and albus was no longer the lean young man he had once been, and though he still looked slender in his clothes, gellert saw all the richness hidden under the cloth.Gellert, watching his lover act like an eager slut, became less anxious, ducking his penis into albus\'s vagina and pulling it out again without even getting the glans inside.

      Over the course of several rounds, albus\'s patience wore off. He pushed his heels against the bed like an enraged cat, and the liquid ran down his thighs, making a mess of the crumpled sheets.

      “Please, come on in quickly.”阿不思甚至没办法用声带说话了,只能从嘴唇里飘出来虚弱的气音。

      Gellert had played enough. He stopped dawdling and raised albus\'s leg above his arm.“那待会可就由不得你了。”

      With that warning, gellert began to slowly straighten up, opening his vaginal opening inch by inch.

      Because it was the first time, he had always feared that too much violence would hurt albus, but this gentle approach only made him feel worse. Albus\'s sensitive flesh wall sucked up eagerly as gellert entered, and his delicate vagina felt the shape of gellert, but gellert\'s unhurried entrance only magnified the emptiness that remained, and albus, unable to resist, straightened himself up and thrust himself into the deepest depths.

      There was an instant sensation of acid swelling and itching in the filled vagina, and albus gave a cry of satisfaction. Through his open mouth gellatly could see the wet red tongue.

      \"You are a real slut.\" When gellert had finished evaluating albus\'s behavior, he suddenly held him down and began pumping hard. The hole in albus\'s passage was like a bowl of ripe red berries, ripened by the juice he was pumping, while the soft flesh seemed to please him, gripping his genitals and spasming at each pull.

      Albus\'s trapped leg was wrapped tightly around gellert\'s arm, in case he should leave,The smooth skin that waves on each other\'s arms,盖勒特完全可以感觉到对方的舒服和满足,但他自己却并没有达到那种程度。


      \"Ah --\" screamed albus, still in a state of ecstasy, as he found his other, more secret entrance now filled,\"No, no...\" He said no several times, and his whole body twitched with violent excitement.

      His body is too full \"It\'ll break...\" He cried out and begged gellert to come out, but his plea was soon drowned out by a higher cry than a whore.

      “亲爱的,你忘了吗?我可是龙啊,刚才我可是警告过你的。”盖勒特笑着拨开阿不思黏在脸上的红发,“Don\'t worry, you won\'t break. Your body will stand up to my fuck better than you think.”\"He said, pushing himself deeper.

      Albus screeched and strained, his body bursting with so much pleasure that he burst into tears, and gellert felt his two genitals enveloped in two streams of warm heat. Albus was having another orgasm beneath him, on every level.

      “You really are... Bastard...”Having been tossed about all night, albus, almost disunited, lay on top of gellert,连一根手指都抬不起来,有气无力地抱怨着。

      而他身下的盖勒特却是神清气爽,吃饱喝足的少年餍足地舔了舔嘴唇,“I told you I\'d bully you in bed.”他轻哼着翘起下巴,其实也算是个惩罚,惩罚阿不思竟然不顾一切地为他抛弃生命,也惩罚他让自己缺席的这二十年。






note 作者有话说
第91章 番外一:小岛蜜月

  • 本文当前霸王票全站排行,还差 颗地雷就可以前进一名。[我要投霸王票]
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