期末考成绩公布—— “杀人王”带着老花眼镜站在讲台上吧中央,拥挤得水泄不通。“哇……”欢呼声一阵接一阵。 好不容易挤进人群,却被另一番情景急速地夺去呼吸。 昏暗灯光下—— 贴身的黑色衬衣,黑色皮裤。耳钉折射出刺眼的光芒。手中,一个银色的摇酒器—— 快速地转身,白色莱姆酒,深色莱姆酒,杏桃白兰地,红石榴汁,柳橙汁……尽收在摇酒器中。 “啪!”猛然合上盖子,旋转,舞动—— SHAKE!是流光溢彩; SHAKE!是纸醉金迷; SHAKE!是不能收回,狂跳的心。 片刻,红橙交错的液体,出现在吧台上的杯子里。最后,小心翼翼地放上几片柳橙,一颗鲜红欲滴的樱桃。 ZOMBIE!俊美的少年低喊出鸡尾酒的名字。 如梦如幻的红、橙,让人不能忘怀。如魔鬼一般,缠绕心底,如魔鬼一般,赋予生命的魔法。 这时,众人的眼光又被另一处吸引过去。 小小的舞台上,乐队开始演奏另一首歌。 一听前奏,便知是—— 小红莓的,ZOMBIE! Another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken And the violence caused such silence Who are we mistaken
But You see it s not me, It s not my family In your head,in your head They are fighting With their tanks, and their bombs And their bombs, and their guns In your head In your head they are crying
In your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie What s in your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie
Another mother s breaking Heart is taking over When the violence causes silence We must be mistaken
It s the same old theme since 1916 In your head, In your head they re still fighting With their tanks ,and their bombs And their bombs, and their guns In your head In your head they are dying
In your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie What s in your head, in your head Zombie, zombie, zombie 女主唱嘴边是一抹若有似无的笑, 她把玩着手中的麦克风杆,长发飘扬,透着帅气,透着迷惑。唱到高潮,全场也HIGH到高峰。 站在吧台的少年也沉醉在乐声中,轻轻随歌声摇摆着颀长的身躯,并准备开始第二杯作品。 突然,从人群中,有一个细弱的声音,幽幽传来—— “郭浪扬?”月牙般的眼睛透着惊奇。 即使声音不大,他依然听到了。 他的眼神随声而去。狂喜随即点燃他的双眸。 小雨望着吧台中的少年。 如此让人捉摸不透的少年。阳光如阳光,恶魔得像撒旦。一旦触摸,五彩缤放。 等一下! 这句话,好像谁说过?头又一阵扯裂的痛。 …… “送给你。” 定神间,方才站在吧台的少年已经走到面前,手中,正是美得让人窒息的,ZOMBIE!