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9、1.9 ...

  •   拉丁语:Relinquēbātur ūna via per Sēquanōs, quā, Sēquanīs invītīs, propter angustiās īre nōn poterant. Hīs cum suā sponte persuādēre nōn possent, lēgātōs ad Dumnorīgem Aeduum mittunt, ut, eō dēprecatōre, ā Sēquanīs impetrārent. Dumnorīx grātiā et largītiōne qpud Sēquanōs plūrimum poterat, et Helvētiīs erat amīcus, quod ex eā cīvitāte Orgetorīgis fīliam in mātrimōnium dūxerat. Ille autem cupiditāte rēgnī adductus novīs rēbus studēbat, et quam plūrimās cīvitātēs suō beneficiō obstrictās habēre volēbat. Itaque rem suscipit, et ā Sēquanīs impetrat ut per fīnīs suōs Helvētiōs īre patiantur, atque perficit ut obsidēs inter sēsē dent: Sēquanī, nē itinere Helvētiōs prohibeant; Helvētiī, ut sine maleficiō et iniūriā trānseant.

      英语:One route through the Sequanis was left, by which if, by unwilling Sequani, then they were not able to go because of narrow places. Since they are not able to persuade these men voluntarily, they send envoys to Dumnorix, the Aeduan, so that with him as intercessor, they obtain the request from the Sequani. Dumnorix by favor and generosity had much influence among the Sequani, and he was friendly to the Helvetians because he had led the daughter of Orgetorix in marriage from the state. However, this guy, having been influenced by desire for rule, was eager for new things, and he wanted to have as many states as possible bound to his own kindness. And so he undertakes this matter, and he gains from the Sequani that they allow the Helvetians to go through their territory, and he brings about that they give hostages between them. Sequani gives hostages lest they prevent the Helvetians from journey; Helvetians give hostages, so they may go across without wrongdoing and injustice.


  • 作者有话要说:  “杜姆诺里克斯的恩惠和慷慨”--贪污和贿赂

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