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5、1.5 ...

  •   拉丁语:Post eius mortem nihilō minus Helvētiī id quod cōnstituerant facere cōnantur, ut ē fīnibus suīs exeant. Ubi iam sē ad eam rem parātōs esse arubitrāvī sunt, oppida suam omnia, numerō ad duodecim, vīcōs ad quadringentōs, reliqua prīvāta aedificia incendunt. Frūmentum omne, praeter quod sēcum portātūrī erant, combūrunt, ut, domum reditiōnis spē sublātā, parātiōrēs ad omnia perīcula subeunda essent; trium mēnsium molita cibāria sibi quemque domō efferre iubent. Persuādent Rauracīs et Tulingīs, et Latobrīgīs fīnitimīs ut, oppidīs suīs vīcīsque exūstīs, ūnā cum eīs proficīscantur. Boiōs, quī trāns Rhēnum incoluerant, ad sē sociōs recipiunt.

      英语:After his death nonetheless the Helvetians are trying to do what they had decided, that they go out from their territory. When they thought they had already prepared for this matter, they set all of their towns on fire, approximately twelve in number, approximately four hundred villages, they set the remaining private buildings on fire. They burn all grains, except those they were going to carry with them, so that, having take away the hope of returning home, they might be more prepared in order to undertake all dangers; they order each person to bring from home three months’ food supply. They persuade the Rauraci and the Tulingi and the Latobrigi, their neighbors, that after their towns and villages had been burned, they set out with them together. They receive as allies to themselves the Boii, who had lived across the Rhine.


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