天上降下来一把种子, 慈爱,善良,温柔,勇敢和花。 We praym, we dance, we sleep soundly in the cradle. 月色伴我安眠, 花儿朵朵洒在身上, 每天睁开眼睛,入眼皆是美丽,世界充满了爱。 We hold hands, we sing, we live in the embrace of God. 我衔一片花瓣, 送一曲祝福, 亲爱的人,祝你活得越来越好。 Singing accompanies you on a long journey, song accompanies you to sleep peacefully, singing accompanies you for a long and long time. 请倾听这歌声,请接受这祝福,请接受我的爱意。 Please listen to this song, please accept this blessing, please accept my love. 祝福你越来越好。