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1、Knife on Silk ...

  •   I see a knife in my dreams. I takes shape as a kitchen knife in a little girl's hands once; it also became the haunted pirate ship that I cannot escape from. Regardless the shape, it's always pointed at me.

      The dreams keep me away from peace, until I realized all I have to do is turn around and face it. Let it pass through me. Whether I die or becomes invincible no longer concerns me. The fear of the unknown fades. I know now that I love that knife. I forged the blade long ago, with every decision I make, every path I take. It becomes hardened every day. I polish it with every achievement I make. I stored it in my heart, constantly measuring its length. I grow my heart as the blade grows more powerful. My flesh contains it during the day; my mind sets it free at night.

      I see myself through the reflection on the polished blade. I finally tell myself I really should finish making that little pink dress I started, for its my shimmering hand-sown armour against my sharpest weapon I created.
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第1章 Knife on Silk

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