Heart of mine be still, You can play with fire but you'll get the bill. Don't let him know Don't let him know that you love her. Don't be a fool, don't be blind Heart of mine.
【关于题目】 是的。名曰爱情,所谈真爱情乎?曰:为真爱矣。 文为悲,过程有痛有喜,有忍有放;结局有生有死,有醒有悟。 其实爱情也是如此,酸甜苦辣,五味具浓。 爱情之所以千变万化各有不同,大概都是人心各异,所以,爱情的果实也都不同形状。 Heart of mine .
Heart of mine go back home, You got no reason to wander, you got no reason to roam. Don't let him see Don't let him see that you need him Don't put yourself over the line Heart of mine.
Heart of mine be still, You can play with fire but you'll get the bill. Don't let him know Don't let him know that you love him. Don't be a fool, don't be blind Heart of mine.
Heart of mine go back where you been, It'll only be trouble for you if you let him in. Don't let him hear Don't let him hear you want her. Don't let him know he's so fine Heart of mine.
Heart of mine so malicious and so full of guile, Give you an inch and you'll take a mile. Don't let yourself fall Don't let yourself stumble. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime Heart of mine.