狂风暴雨式的语言轰炸之后,我觉得自己整个人都要风化了。好不容易等来上课铃,送走了余怒未消的女王大人,为了自己的人身安全考虑,我还是翻开了英语书,和二十六个字母的排列组合大眼瞪小眼……看这个句子的长度,好像是儿歌之类的东西吧。 看到我翻开书一副认真学习的模样,英语老师差点从讲台上摔下来,她扶了扶眼镜,叫了竹本起来念课文。 Who killed Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow, With my bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin……
Thirty days hath september, Thirty days hath september, April, june, and november; February has twenty-eight alone, All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting leap-year, that's the time, When february's days are twenty-nine.