尘蓝独自走在夜色中的神奈川中。 刚刚忍足给她打电话,说有事找她,让她出来一下,他在海边等他。 尘蓝此刻的好奇心空前强烈,她实在是猜不出忍足找她究竟会有什么重要的事情。不过也许就是这好奇心的缘故,尘蓝刚刚在病房里的压抑感舒缓了不少。 尘蓝边走边呼吸这临近海边的晚风。随着冰凉的海风进入肺部,尘蓝感觉一直火烧似的内脏舒服了不少。 夹杂这海水特有的腥甜味道的海风,此刻就像是药效快速的镇定剂,让尘蓝焦灼的心情渐渐平静。 尘蓝站在沙滩上,脱下脚上的黑色帆布鞋,赤脚走在细软的沙粒上。慢慢靠近那在月光下翻腾着的海浪。竟然缓缓陷入了回忆。 尘蓝想到自己第一次见到冰帝的骄傲少年们,就是在这海边。在美丽绚烂的夕阳下,海鸟相伴,她拉着自己喜欢的提琴,一切都那么的安宁美好。 可是却也是在这片宽阔无际的海域,苓因为她的缘故,被人推下了这冰冷的海水。那么单纯的苓,竟然要因为她的牵连,而受到这样残忍的报复。 尘蓝想到这里,眼角的寒意前所未有的冷冽,仿佛是冷空气在吹刮,尖利的刃刮得皮肤生疼。她绝对不会原谅那个伤害苓的人,绝对不会! “哦呀呀,尘蓝的表情有些可怕啊。”特有的关西腔。像是低沉优雅的大提琴,在尘蓝的耳边想起,因为海风的原因,忍足的声音在此刻想的暧昧不明。 “侑士叫我出来,应该不会就说这些无聊的话吧。”尘蓝没有回头,眼角依然淡漠,静静的看着远处的海浪,回敬着忍足。 “呵呵,当然不会。要不要去那里?”忍足说完伸出手指,指了指不远处的岩石。尘蓝顺着忍足的动作看过去,愣了一下,然后想起了,那是她第一次邂逅冰帝正选的地方。 “无所谓。”尘蓝耸耸肩。将遮挡住双眼的头发别到耳后。那一抹苓亲手绘上的红色在黑暗的夜色下,竟有些亮眼。 尘蓝说完,边率先走向那里。 忍足跟在尘蓝的背后。 站在高高的海岩上,尘蓝感受得到,海风比起刚刚要强烈很多。 尘蓝转身,看到一直站在自己忍足,双手环胸。 “侑士,你到底有什么目的呢?” “其实没什么。只是想送给尘蓝一件礼物而已。”忍足的嘴角依然噙着笑意。 “呵,我不认为我有心情收下它。” “也许吧,不过,我想它很适合你。”说完忍足将忘在身后的物品拿出。 火红的贝司。 一瞬间,尘蓝的记忆快速的回答了海原祭的绚丽夜晚。火红的服装,火红的贝司,火红的舞台。还要,那个金发的精致少女。 想到这里,尘蓝慢慢的走向忍足,结果对方手中的贝司。 忍足笑而不语。 轻轻的拨弄着弦,面向大海。 i don't wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest or the girl who never wants to be alone i don't wanna be that call at 4 o'clock in the morning 'cos i'm the only one you know in the world that won't be home
the sun is blinding i stayed up again i am finding that's not the way i want my story to end
i'm safe up high nothing can touch me but why do i feel this party's over? no pain inside you're like protection how do i feel this good sober?
i don't wanna be the girl who has to fill the silence crying scares me cause it screams the truth please don't tell me that we had that conversation i won't remember, save your breath,'cos what's the use?
the night is calling? and it whispers to me softly come and play i am falling and if i let myself go i'm the only one to blame
i'm safe up high nothing can touch me but why do i feel this party's over? no pain inside you're like perfection how do i feel this good sober?
i'm coming down, coming down, coming down
spinning 'round, spinning 'round, spinning 'round
looking for myself
when it's good, then it's good, it's so good till it goes bad till you're trying to find the you that you once had i have heard myself cry, never again broken down in agony just tryna find a fit
i'm safe up high nothing can touch me but why do i feel this party's over? no pain inside you're like perfection how do i feel this good sober
no pain inside nothing can touch me but why do i feel this party's over? no pain inside you're like perfection how do i feel this good sober? 几乎是嘶哑着喉咙喊出来的,尘蓝压抑了太久的情感终于在这一刻完全的爆发。在此刻,尘蓝什么都不管不顾,抱着火红的贝司,便想着翻涌着黑色的海浪的大海,肆意的宣泄着压抑。
干净的声音,在静谧的夜空下,想海妖般惑人心弦。 i can't get you out of the sunlight i can't get you out of the rain i can't get you back to that one time cos you and me are still recovering so lets just, try to cool it down the fighting, this feeling of flames so lets try to slow it down we crash when we race
oh this is not the way that it should end it's the way it should begin it's the way it should begin, again no, i never wanna fall apart, never wanna break your heart never wanna let you break my own yes, i know we've said alot of things that we probably didn't mean but it's not too late to take them back so, before you say you're gonna go.. i should probably let you know that i never knew what i had.. i never knew what i had..
see i look for you in the morning cos that's where my mind always goes and i can't wait to get to the evening cos that's when i want you the most
so lets try to cool it down the fighting, this feeling of flames so lets try to slow it down we crash when we race
oh this is not the way that it should end it's the way it should begin it's the way it should begin, again no, i never wanna fall apart, never wanna break your heart never wanna let you break my own yes, i know we've said alot of things that we probably didn't mean but it's not too late to take them back so, before you say you're gonna go.. i should probably let you know that i never knew what i had.. i never knew what i had..
but i know it now.. i wish i would've known before how good we were.. or is it too late to come back or is it's really over, if it's really over..
but this is not the way that it should end it's the way it should begin it's the way it should begin, again no, i never wanna fall apart, never wanna break your heart never wanna let you break my own yes, i know we've said alot of things that we probably didn't mean but it's not too late to take them back so, before you say you're gonna go.. i should probably let you know that i never knew what i had.. i never knew what i had..