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1、第 1 章 ...

  •   清晨,走在深秋的校园,马路两旁的树叶已经开始变黄和变红。想着现在也是北京最美的季节,能让北京变回北平的季节。老舍说:“秋天一定要住北平。天堂是什么样子,我不晓得,但从我的生活经验去判断,北平之秋便是天堂。”北京的秋,阳光、蓝天仿佛都被一夜的秋风过滤一般,阳光透亮清澈、蓝天纯净无边,
      Leave night, not a sound from the pavement
      has the moon lost her memory
      she is smiling alone
      in the lamplight
      the withered leaves collect at my feet
      and the wind begins to moan
      memory, all alone in the moonlight
      I can smile at the old days
      life was beautiful then
      I remember the time I knew what happiness was
      let the memory live again
      every street lamp seems to beat
      a fatalistic warning
      someone mutters and the street lamp sputters
      and soon it will be morning
      I must wait for the sunrise
      I must think of a new life and I mustn\'t give in
      when the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too
      and a new day will begin
      burnt out ends of smoky days
      the stale court smell of morning
      a street lamp dies another night is over
      another day is dawning
      touch me,
      it is so easy to leave me
      all alone with the memory
      of my days in the sun
      if you\'ll touch me,
      you\'ll understand what happiness is
      look, a new day has begun


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