四胞爱听的歌哦~:Ally Kerr的这首《The Sore Feet Song》选自《Calling Out To You》专辑,被《虫师》选成主题曲。The Sore Feet Song,很安静的一吟唱,安静中又有对幸福的坚定,歌词写得很好。 悦耳而淳朴,凄美而哀伤,有那么一丝丝迷惘,当你聆听Calling Out To You这张专辑的时候这一类的形容词可能会脱口而出。这样华美动听的音乐出自格拉斯哥唱作人Ally Kerr之手。继Belle & Sebastian, Camera Obscura 之后,苏格兰的indie 风暴就从未停止过,如今Ally Kerr继续着他们的征程。苏格兰民谣令人心弛神往的旋律在Ally Kerr的演绎之下显得更加的凄楚动人,他不仅继承苏格兰indie pop团惯有的风格,从Ally Kerr身上,我们依然能够体会到那种异乎寻常的与众不同的气质。甚至在苏格兰,人们将他称之为“最富生趣和最创造性的音乐家”。Calling Out To You所呈现的淡淡的哀愁恰恰能唤起我愉悦的感觉,将你此时所有的孤寂一扫而空。那种令人难以释怀的舒缓和谐的音调,正是一瓶醇香甘甜的柠檬酒,一如当年初恋般令人回味。你有发现你不由自主的跟着曲调轻轻哼唱,哪怕就只把这歌曲听上一回。
I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousands miles to see you And ever gasp to breath, I grabbed it just to find you I climbed up every hill to get to you I wandered ancient lands to hold just you
And every single step of the way, I paid Every single night and day I searched for you Through sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for you
I stole ten thousands pounds, ten thousand pounds to see you I robbed convenience sotres coz I thought they'd make it easier I lived off rats and toads and I starved for you I fought off giant bears and I killed them too
And every single step of the way, I paid Every single night and day I searched for you Through sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for you I'm tired and I'm weak but I'm strong for you I want to go home but my love gets me through