眼前这高耸的白色建筑就是古灵阁了吧,看到门口向来宾鞠躬的身着红色襄金礼服的迎宾妖精真是让我汗了一下,不能找俩美女吗?说不定还能招揽更多生意呢! 入口的第二道门上刻着妖精的警示标语: Enter, stranger, but take heed Of what awaits the sin of greed For those who take, but do not earn Must pay most dearly in their turn So if you seek beneath our floors A treasure that was never yours Thief,,you have been warned,,beware Of finding more than treasure there 我读了两遍,感觉这句子特别直入人心,肯定能有效地预防犯罪,加上那银色的浮动的字体,感觉像是被注入了正义使者的灵魂一样。