“ Night-time sharpens, heightens each sensation (夜来临,感觉渐渐,敏锐清) Darkness stirs andwakes imagination ... (暗夜流动,唤醒想象) Silently the senses abandon their defenses ... (让理性默然,不再抵挡)……”
“Hearing is believing music is deceiving (倾听便是信念,音乐可是欺骗) Hard as lightning soft as candlelight (如闪电般强烈,似烛光般温柔) Dare you trust the music of the night ...” (你是否敢相信这夜之乐章)……”
太过熟悉的歌剧选段,歌剧魅影里《The Music of the Night》是Phantom发自内心的歌声,他用歌声成功的吸引了Christine,让Christine随着歌声来到他的住所,美妙的歌声,只为了表达他强烈,又充满卑微的爱意。
“Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth (闭上双眼,因为眼睛只看见) And the truth isn't what you want to see, (真相并非如你所愿) In the dark it is easy to pretend (黑暗中易于伪装) that the truth is what it ought to be. (相信真相理所应当)……”
Touch me, trust me savour each sensation ... 来触摸我,相信我,来品味每一丝感觉 Let the dream begin let your darker side give in 让梦开始,让你心底的幽暗褪去 to the power of the music that I write - 向我的乐章俯首 the power of the music of the night ... 向这夜之乐章的力量俯首
心情平静,脑里回荡的是祁仟的歌声。他在我心里一直是温柔的Raoul,为何他演绎Phantom唱的《The Music of the Night》更有感觉。看过歌剧的人一般都比较喜欢Phantom,带上面具歌唱起来他是天才,是王者。卸下面具,卑微的只不过是被舍弃的可怜人儿。为什么Christine不爱她,为什么大家定义Christine不爱他呢。