最近一直有在听Taylor Swift的Mary's Song,Taylor说: "I wrote this song about a couple who lived next door to us. 这首歌写的是一对住我家隔壁的老夫妻的故事. They'd been married forever and they came over one night for dinner, and were just so cute. 他们结婚了好久了,有一天晚上他们来我家吃晚饭,他们真的很可爱. They were talking about how they fell in love and got married, and how they met when they were just little kids. 他们聊起了他们是怎样相爱并走进婚姻殿堂的,也将了他们在孩提时是怎样认识的. I thought it was so sweet, because you can go to the grocery store and read the tabloids, and see who's breaking up and cheating on each other (or just listen to some of my songs, haha). 我觉得那真的很甜蜜,因为现在这年头,你随便进入一间杂货店,翻翻那些小报,都可以看到上面报道的都是什么谁和谁分手了,谁背叛了谁之类的东西(或者说,随便听一下我的歌,你听到的也是这些东西) But it was really comforting to know that all I had to do was go home and look next door to see a perfect example of forever." 但是,(每当我看到这些故事,让我对爱情产生不信任感时),我所需要做的就是回家,看一看隔壁的那对相伴一生的老夫妻,我就会感到很安慰.