(1) Who could tell me why is this person named Cedric was written down in the place where my fiancé should be!? I don’t even know who he is! Oh, my dear father, do you really hope I will be marry to someone we have no idea about? This guy don’t even have a family name, who knows is him a noble or a pure blood, and you know father, me and Hesty Travers are having some great time in school. I can promise that is is a pure blood wizard. What is this Cedric is a muggle or even worse! A filthy squib!
(2) Well, sweetie, I am not sure. We all know that the Travers have been publicity themselves as one of the you know who’s follower, even they get away from The ministry of magic, but it did not means they are innocent. And you know since Harry Potter have enter the school, Hogwarts is no longer a safe place. I think it will be a good idea for you to check on to this place called enchantsia, and solve your own problem of the strange fiancé. What do you think? If you agree, you will be leaving in three days. You can bring Soapo to help you. You know, even you are not at home but a House elf is always a good helper.
(3) Come sit, and have a cup of tea while you are thinking, you will understand it is a good idea.
(4) Yes young master, Soapo is ready at your service, please give your filthy servant an order.
(5) Funny and useless Soapo! A foot slipp in front of young master! Bad feet! Bad feet!
(6) Soapo! Stop right there! You will break father’s carpet like this! Now stop and go to my room pack some cloth and shoes for me. And divide some precious potion materials that have the level three or below level three. Go! Now! oh yes, and do not punish yourselves in my room, I do not want to see my room become a pile of ruins!
(7) There you are father, you are right, I have thought about it, it is clearly in this special time, we must be careful with the things we are going in do next. Maybe You Know Who hasn’t show up yet, but it dose seems like something is different with the school since Harry Potter enter the school. Any problem between Slytherin and Gryffindor no matter big or small it become serious instantly. Not to mention the troll on the halloween party when I was second grade and the secret chamber this year! Thankfully no one really gets hurt this time, I mean turn it to sto?o?poone was much better then losing life.
(8) That is right sweetie, so that is the reason we think you should leave for a while. But please remember that solve the fiancé problem is not the only problem, you are not just go for a travel me and your mother also is hoping that you could learn new stuff. A travel might be nice and relaxing but in this time You Know Who’s Death eaters start to be active again it doesn’t matter you or the whole family, we must become even powerful to protect ourselves. If You Know Who do not really come back. Become stronger isn’t a bad thing right.
(9) I understand you were only 14, only a third grade child, but I think this is the best choice we can make right now.