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5、vows ...

  •   I was raised in a happy family.

      At least I always thought that was the best place for someone like me.

      I thought I never care how my parents got their divorce.

      I thought if my mom wants it,and she got it,then she will be happy,that matters.

      I thought I have this role model as a father for me so that I won't be lack anything on my personality.

      I thought Mom and I can turn to each other and help each other.

      I even thought that is kind of cool.

      Being independent from any men. Any one of them.

      No one needs anyone to keep living as they want.

      They are just not get used to be alone.

      And that is not me.

      I am so good with being with myself.

      Just myself.

      Never need to hold on someone.


      Because I know.No one can really help me.

      Except he wants to love just me.

      And provide me with everything I need,and I ever needed.

      And I will love him back. One and only

      Trust him unconditionally.

      Having children with him.

      I won't be sad if he says he no longer loves me.

      I will leave him if he wants me to.

      I will give him anything he wanted.A divorce? or never show up in his life ever.

      Because that is love for me to give.

      I am so sure of it.

      No love.No trust.No giving. Never. Ever.

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