*All rights belong to the original author of the series. I\'m just borrowing some characters and hoping they\'ll work out together...Thanks for reading and you may proceed. ;) : : : :
Blackjack was a black cat with white tufts of fur puffing out from his chest like a proud badge of honor. He should be honored, though, for he was about to be endowed with his first quest as a newly appointed cat Animagus Major of the Supernatural Division of The Guild.
He doesn\'t quite understand the names and frankly doesn\'t care enough to learn about them. It was all too needlessly complicated for such a simple, majestic creature such as himself. He just wanted his damn catnip and plush couch!
It bothered him that no one else seemed to share the same sentiment, the other Animagus Majors were all too engrossed with the next level up opportunities. No one wanted to do mischief with him. At least, not anymore. Apparently, being over ten-years-old was qualified as grown up around here, and it made the boy gag.
The only thing that kept his claws from raking the next batch of sofas was the promise of an interesting project he was about to partake in. Blackjack passed by a labrador in the grand hallway.
\"Good day to you, BJ!\" Larry barked. The cat passed a crooked grin (if cats can do that). Larry was a good chap, he definitely knew how to cheer a moody kitten after a hard day\'s work. His human form, however, gushed nobility and beauty. Larry was the talk of the office; who knew such a raggedy dog could be such a sweet-talker.
He never showed that side the BJ, however, and insisted that children these days need to retain their....\"innocence\". BJ scoffed. Innocence be damned, he just wanted to go on an adventure.
The task given to him briefly hinted at a travel across the globe to a new country. BJ liked the sound of that; capturing runaway spirits and fairies seemed to be a good time cruncher. Jumping off planes and attacking enemies by their faces was a thrill by itself. Just like the movies!
Blackjack was so into his own fantasy that he barely caught himself padding past his destination.
He stopped in front of the dark, maple oak doors of the Supervisor\'s office, and contemplated shifting back to his child form. He decided against it; maybe his new partner would be so wooed by his dangerously cute face and splurge him with plushies and catnip.
\"Mrow!\" He purred, paws lifting up to scratch the doorknob. He heard footsteps quickly padding their way towards him and he sat up on his hind legs. Making sure his eyes were wide with curiosity, Blackjack stuck a pose and waited. He was going to get his treats today.
It wasn\'t his partner\'s age that was the problem, but her stupid ailurophobia. She let out a shriek as she watched his feline form saunter up to the heavy desk of Mr. Wu. Hovering her files over her chest as a shield, the teenager literally jumped onto a nearby chair.
They let kids into the Intelligence Sector now She looked barely above sixteen, and a nervous wreck on top of that. He rolled his eyes at the dramatic display and hopped onto Wu\'s desk. He watched as the girl\'s face practically drained itself of its colors.
It was funny. She was a weird one, as people usually liked cute things. It was even weirder when it was made clear that this \'girl\' was actually a woman; good genes probably flowed through her DNA as she definitely did not look twenty. Wu had to assure her countless times that Blackjack was not going to tear her face off.
\"Meowza!\" BJ quipped. \"Nice to meet ya!\" But the lady was certainly not amused with his greeting. The horrified look didn\'t leave her face.
\"It talks!\" Sheila squeaked.
BJ was miffed. That was so unnecessary. \"Hey! Show a little respect! Like he/him/his that kind of thing.\"
Sheila had a baffled look on her face as he started to lick his paws. She appeared almost deflated.
\"I\'m sorry.\" She said. \"I\'ve just started this recently and I\'m still getting used to the people around here.\"
BJ hummed. So she was a rookie.
His cheery mood was quickly squashed when the details of the task were fleshed out. A spy For a local gang in Korea Are they serious Just call the fucking police. He ain\'t about to travel from the Americas just to be a watchdog. BJ hissed and tried to swipe a clawed paw at Wu as the older man pinched the bridge of his nose.
\"It\'s a lot harder than you\'d expect,\" Wu added quickly, \"one of our branches there had decided to accept the bribes from the local association. Someone not within our walls has been using sorcery outside, causing a rift in social safety. We need to clear our reputation and find the former liaison of ours that leaked information.\"
\"Is that why Jackson had to come back\" Sheila pressed on. \"Is this why I have to do this\" BJ noticed her tightened grip on the files, it seemed he wasn\'t the only one that was forced into this.
Wu gave a grave nod. \"Your brother\'s branch was one of the locations that was unfortunately given out. He is safe for now, although he did put up a fight about retreating.\" He gave her a wink. \"Still the hotblooded youngster you know. You still sure you want to go through with this plan\"
\"I\'m doing this for him and my safety.\" Sheila said. \"If I were to stay and cower, my information would be discovered sooner or later. Better to just get rid of the trails now.\"
Blackjack quirked his cat brows. He failed to see the part where he came into the plan as it all seemed to revolve around Sheila and her unknown brother. Boredom was creeping up to him and he momentarily thought about rummaging through the desks for fish jerky.
\"You will be assigned as BJ\'s new handler.\" Wu\'s voice suddenly broke through his thoughts and the cat stared up at the two in alarm. They had been conversing so rapidly that BJ had zoned out. He didn\'t even realize that he was handed an application form. He was being adopted as a pet.
Oh. Hell. No.
Sheila looked stunned. He shared the same sentiment.
\"I don\'t need a pet.\"
\"I am NOT a pet!\"
The two of them voiced their opinions loudly, cornering Wu between a rock and a hard place. BJ was just centimeters away from clawing the paper to shreds and darting away back into his cozy cabin. Saving the world or not, he\'d rather be caught dead than be labeled as a stupid housecat.
Wu cleared his throat. \"Might I make myself clear that you are NOT a pet, BJ. This is simply a cover.\"
\"I still don\'t need anyone else.\" Sheila retorted. \"I can move around by myself just fine.\"
\"Get her a personal bodyguard or something.\" BJ meowed.
The supervisor facepalmed himself. \"That\'s not the point, Blackjack. You can pretend to be a housecat under the threat\'s nose and still be able to maneuver around and gather information. I have concluded that assigning another agent as a \"spouse\" would become too suspicious in an unknown area. The vast majority will never figure out that Bj is an animagus, much less a spy. You will need all the help you can get, Sheila. Especially since you are not permitted to engage threats in physical altercations.\"
BJ turned his gaze to her expectantly. Did she have some sort of ability like him As she didn\'t appear threatening, he would never have known.
Things did seem to get sort of interesting to him, at least. And BJ wondered what on earth had to be so important that they had to have a cat as a cover. Can\'t they just get Larry
\"You enhanced me for a reason!\" Sheila argued. \"I can fight!\"
\"No.\" Wu remained steadfast on this matter. \"I\'ve set your system so that it only comes out during near-death experiences. You are not trained in any type of combat. Your task is to stay low and uncover the traces to the traitor and that is final.\"
Something caught in the woman\'s throat as she opened her mouth and closed it. There was anger brewing under that small frame. Blackjack purred casually, trying to diffuse the situation. He didn\'t need a cat-fearing woman turning it around on him later.
\"Fine.\" Sheila whispered. Blackjack thought he saw the rims of her eyes get a little puffy. He felt bad for her, not gonna lie. Something must\'ve bothered her enough to be this desperate.
He sighed. \"Can\'t you guys just get Larry to do the job He knows an adequate amount of martial arts to defend her properly if she does get into trouble. I\'m just a kid.\"
Wu grinned at that. \"It\'s your first official mission as an Animagus Major, they left the good stuff to you.\"
Blackjack scoffed. This was definitely Larry\'s idea. He made a mental note to stuff extra furballs into the mutt\'s laundromat later. After he had his next meal, that is. What was the lunch menu again
A pat on his rear-end jolted him out of his daydreaming once again, and BJ hissed at the laughing Wu. \"Piss off! I\'m hangry.\"
\"Yeah and before you go,\" Wu\'s expression turned serious, \"you are not to go out in public in your human form once you lay foot in that country. It is prohibited for you, understand\"
He gave a flick of his tail as a response. This was getting boring by the second, they should know him better than that by now. He never messed with his human form during missions. That one time being caught on camera morphing and getting blasted on Fox News was enough to traumatize him for a while. It was a blessing that people somehow saw it as a haux.
The supervisor relaxed in his chair. \"Excellent. You are now Blackjack the black Bombay cat of eleven months old. And your owner is Jade Cha from Washington. She is a transfer student going on a gap year to do business research in Gangnam.\" Handing Sheila a pile of papers, he waved his hand.
\"These are your background information. Remember them by heart and destroy them once you\'re ready. You will be leaving by tomorrow morning.\" He turned around to light a cigarette. Smoke filled the room and BJ wrinkled his nose in disgust.
Sheila scoffed. \"You\'re so creative. I didn\'t know you could just translate your Chinese name and become a new person.\" Her body tensed against the chair, and for Blackjack,it was enough to get second-hand anxiety.
She slammed the binder shut and looked up. \"So do I refer to myself as that from now on\"
\"It\'s one in the same for you, I suppose.\" Wu said. \"Maybe it\'s about time you paid a visit to your ancestral roots.\"
BJ watched as she gritted her teeth. The lady here definitely had issues she needed to sort out before she headed into the field.Turning on her heels, she exited the room without so much as a goodbye.