“Hey, Will, it’s Lilian. Can you get me an Oscar after party invitation” (嘿,Will,是我Lilian。你能帮我弄到一张奥斯卡part的邀请函吗?)
“Lil?Haven’t heard from you for a while.” (Lil很久没听到你的消息了啊。)
“Right. Just tell me if you can get me one.” (是啦,你就和我说,你能不能弄到一张。)
“Sure, of course.” (好吧,当然可以。)
“Thanks, babe.” (谢啦,宝贝。)
“Since when you became interested in Oscar” (从什么时候开始你对奥斯卡感兴趣了?)
“Well, since Karl Qi planned to attend.” (从祁则尔决定参加开始。)
“Karl Qi” 电话那头的人似乎有些疑惑,停顿了一会,“The leading character in ‘Silence’” (祁则尔?《沉默》的主演?)
“That’s right. God, isn’t he beautiful” (是的,我的天,他是不是超级美好?”)
“So after you left behind everything in the Upper East Side, now you decided to come back because you want to see Karl Qi ” (所以,你将所有事情都置之不理抛在了曼哈顿离开,现在你决定重返活动场合就是为了见祁则尔?
“You are absolutely 100% right. By the way, if you have any, I mean, good scripts, maybe you can recommend him” (就是这样没错,另外,如果有什么好剧本,也许你可以推荐一下祁则尔?
“Ha WTF” (哈?你特么在逗我?)
“He’s a good actor, he just needs more opportunities.” (他是个好演员,只是需要更多的机会。)
“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying he’s a bad actor, but he does have a long way to go. To be honest, I don’t think his movie’s gonna win the Oscar tis time. ” (别误会,我不认为他是个不好的演员,但他要学的实在太多了。说实话,我觉得他这次赢不了奥斯卡。)
“And that’s why he needs more opportunities” (所以他需要更多的机会锻炼呀,)
“Ok, fine. Gosh.” (行吧,受不了,我的天。)
“Love you, see you on Oscar.” (爱你,奥斯卡见。)
“Hold on. So you haven’t decided when to come back” (等等,所以,你还没有决定重返我们这个圈子?)
“No. I don’t think it’s the time yet.” (不,我不觉得是时候了。)