对面的大尉很快打破了死一般的寂静,也将许初年从纷飞的思绪中拉回。“You're a combat medic. That's great. Our teammate got a gunshot wound. He's had a brief dressing, but it doesn't look like he'll make it back to camp. Can you take a look at it for him? ”大尉的眼底暗含期盼
“Yes, of course.”许初年回神,冷静的回答,没有再去看林晨屹,而是径直的走向了那名伤员,蹲下。
许初年没有回头,她深深的望了一眼病人,低下头摘下手套,拍了拍他的肩头,安抚的笑笑:“Rest assured, I now immediately carry out the operation. The operation success rate is more than 70%”她又抬起头,望着病人:“Close your eyes and take a break”