望向小杏,呃,她居然是死死地盯着我,ORZ…… “那个,小杏呀!这么看着会不会累?我唱歌给你听好吧?”我挤出了个笑容。 “嗯嗯,只要小姐不乱跑,唱戏跳舞也没关系!”小杏头点得跟小鸡啄米似的。 我便小心地站起身,深呼吸了一口气。 闭上眼,两手握紧放在胸前。风轻轻地吹着,清婉略带忧伤的歌声在碧空绿水间回荡着。 close my eyes and feel your mind time has passed i walk like a shadow never knew what i am going through you touch my heart and take my breath away whisper on the wind so softly let the bright stars fill out dreams with love reach for your hand (you re holding my key) and you show me the way tonight, i feel close to you you open my door and light the sky above when i need a friend, you are there right by my side i wish we could stay as one i wish we could stay forever as one 十岁那年,第一次参加歌唱比赛,我才发现原来自己的歌声中有一种神奇的蛊惑力,可以把人带入歌曲的意境中去,然后沉浸其中。所以现在的我是不会轻易展现歌喉的。要是对别人高歌一曲情歌,我可不敢保证不会发生什么事……因此,这个秘密也就只有我的家人和从小的闺蜜慕千羽知道。 all the tears that haunt my past you promised it ll be better tomorrow play that song you and i listened to and let it gently ease our pain tender rain drops from the blue sky flowers blooming, life is so divine like sunlight on a stream (you re holding my key) tonight, i feel close to you you open my door and light the sky above when i need a friend, you are there right by my side i wish we could stay as one so much love in this beautiful world search for the brightest star in the sky you will find the meaning of love don t be afraid (don t be afraid) just be yourself (just be yourself) we need this love... i ve never knew
tonight, i feel close to you you open my door and light the sky above when i need a friend, you are there right by my side i wish we could stay as one tonight, i feel close to you you open my door and light the sky above when i need a friend, you are there right by my side i wish we could stay as one i wish we could stay forever as one