“Come out! The head of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency who is hiding behind the tree.(出来吧,躲在树后面的CIA美国中央情报局头目。)”蝶花站在较为安全的地方,冷冷的说到。 “……”树后果真走出一个人,一个黑色短发且胡子拉碴的男人,“How do you know that I am behind the tree? And is a leader but not a witness. Why do you know that I'm a CIA member? And who are you?(你怎么知道我在树后,而且是个头目而不是证人,还有为什么知道我是CIA,你是什么人?)” “Uhhh. You did ask so many questions! If it's me I wouldn't do so!(呵,你还真是问了很多问题呢!要是我就不会这么问!)”蝶花似乎知道他会这样问一样,轻松的说,“The things you asked has already revealed your identity. And If I was just guessing you might be in danger now.(你的问话已经暴露了你的身份,如果我刚才是猜的话,你可就危险了。)” “But it's OK. Cause it was not a guess and you won't be dangerous either.(不过没关系,我既不是猜的,你也不会危险。)”蝶花好笑的看着对方变了脸色,“First, I know you because of the emblem on your chest. CIA's badges is different from FBI's. The one with red metal star on it is CIA’s and the other one with cloth shield is FBI’s. Remember the flashlight flashed just now? I saw the glisten then. And since then, I also know you're a CIA.(首先,知道你在后面是由于你胸前的徽章。CIA和FBI的徽章不同,CIA的上面是红色的金属星,FBI则是布制的盾牌,还记得刚才手电晃了一下吗?那时候我看到了反光。也是同时我知道了你是CIA。)” “As for me?(至于我?)”蝶花说着用手指了指自己,然后从衣服的上口袋里掏出一份证件晃了晃,“Interpol, United Nations Secretary,Dehaji•Rinhui(联合国刑警局局长,凌惠蝶花。)” “Can trust it?(可以信任了吗?)”蝶花先谨慎的问,得到肯定回答之后才说,“I know you, the second-generation Japanese Americans. Isen•Honto. Can we talk in Japanese?(我知道你,日裔第二代美国人,伊桑•本堂。我们可以说日语吗?)” “啊。”本堂回答,紧接着他就和蝶花谈起了他的来由。