提姆觉得第二句就开始加入潜在的爱情元素实在是Jay素过高引起不适,硬生生地在半途换了个画风:“Honey you may want to climb the pine tree with an iced tea but be careful of those bees”
达米安对这两个内卷人士骂骂咧咧,立马加入队伍:“Bruce replied: ‘how on earth would you two monkeys mindlessly treat the Kentucky chickadee as Tennessee bumblebee I must disagree. May I invite you doctors to be seen?”
“A boy with no empathy gonna end up in tragedy is the prophecy left by the young lady with thirty-three doctor degrees” 为了给女主角加戏,杰森直接端起酒杯喝了一大口也要重复一遍lady,然后慢慢悠悠地继续回击:“Though she did not expect a chick mixing 80% Sprite in Gin would apprehend what reality foreseen.”
提姆决定躺平划水,好好当条咸鱼:“Charlie, Jessie, Henry, Kerry and Dummy all agree”