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1、a girl ...

  •   Cookie was a girl, a common, well, maybe also an uncommon girl. She was not outstanding and prominent among the other teenagers but there are no two same girls in the world, I mean, she was unique in some ways, such as fancy.
      She always liked to imagine some scenes that they did not really happen as well as would not happen in the future.
      Just like once she said to her friend, Rose,
      “Do you know what scene I thought yesterday?”
      “Don't be angry, please. I imagined that you were in hospital because of a traffic accident! I visited you with great sadness!”
      “Oh, stop, stupid girl.”
      “You are more stupid!”
      “Oh, come on, give me your maths homework, done, right.”
      “yeah, here.”

      Cookie often created her stories before she fell asleep, with eyes closing. She could grow wings, fly over the sky, over the forest, through the clouds, chase the birds and go with the wind.
      Or sometimes she would have become princess, with beautiful dress, made up, and had a romantic life with prince, who she created from the real boy she liked.
      It was the same thing that any other girls had done, isn't it?The more different things were just she thought something dramatic.
      Don't complain that almost the main characters are ordinary. That is true, but honestly speaking, the stories of great people, intelligent people or perfect people are not vivid enough to show someting meaningful, isn't it?
      Whatever, because of the limitation of life, she had so much crazy fancy.

      Nothing special than usual, she went to bed on nine o'clock, which was a normal time for her surely stayed awake during the vacation.
      So she would enjoy her own stories.She thought she had been a cat, but her family didn't raise a cat, so she had to travel to Rose's home and showed her, "Is that cool?I am becoming a cat!Do you want to keep me?"
      Though it would been a long way, she tried her best to use swiftness that a cat should have.

      With her colourful fancy, she fell asleep.

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