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5、回忆。。 ...
He doesn't know why he has memory...
He doesn't know why she left him...
He doesn't know if she still love him...
Why suddenly the world changed?
His heart hurt and died...
He can't believe anyone,even himself...
Him wants to know whether there is something will never changed or not..
The god is unfair!
He loved her so deep...but...why...
He still waits her...
Because one day,she would perhaps come back...
In his world,she will never leave..forever!
He wants to prove that...he loves her will not be changed!
Even if there is nobody understands him,even if the destiny is unfair
She changed his life...and left quickly...
He knows..in her deep heart,their memory and love never lost...
So he will guard the appointment and the promise`
Still she comes back...or forever....