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5、第一集 第五场 ...

  •   第五场时:日地:扑克牌组织大本营人:joker,四个A
      joker:Do you know where Edison is hiding in Gaoling (你们知道爱迪生藏匿在高陵市的哪里吗?)
      红桃A:I have a plan to blow up where Edison may be hiding, and if Edison doesn\'t die, he\'ll have a reaction. We control the monitoring system in Gaoling, and the reasoning notes may figure out the position of Edison. (我有一个计划,把爱迪生可能藏匿的地方炸了,爱迪生没死的话,他一定会有所反应,我们再控制了高陵市的监控系统,推理笔记就可能推算出爱迪生的位置了)
      joker:OK, just do what you say. You go to Gaoling to cooperate with spades. (好,就照你说的办。你去高陵市配合黑桃的行动。)
      黑桃A:After the Reasoning notes analysis is finished, I will send ten killer to sneak into Gaoling to carry out the task. (推理笔记分析完毕后,我会派十个杀手去潜入高陵市执行任务的。)

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