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1、Order I ...

  •   So the spring commencement was held. People came and left.I haven't talked to any of the guys since the finals. Well, it's time to say Good-bye.

      But how can I forget. Too much did I indulge, which went far against my motto of Rationality. Memories of love and sorrow clamorously continued their party in my mind. Thousands of times had I told myself, accompanied by the rising of the Venus and the sinking of the last sunset--People are gone, gone, gone. Well, still somewhere they are, but never again will they cross the path of my life.

      So now I am blaming myself for my greed. Life seems like peace. I just moved to a new apartment and got some new roommates. Mandi seems pretty cool, and as a former PlayBoy girl she's supposed to be not that judgemental. We share the bedroom. Jean, a girl on the other side sharing our kitchen and living room, just came back from her vacation.I had a first short conversation with her this evening. She's decent so far.She asked about my parents' jobs.

      "Sue has everything." concluded Jean, as Mandi rushed for her heated hair straightener. She was getting ready to go out tonignt.

      I was shrugging somewhere invisible. I have everything? Come on girl. Life sucked for me as a little child. But well, bumming bumming bumming--I am always ready to run, leaving the shadow behind. Catch me if you can, thousands of thousands of times had I yelled at some haunting nightmare. Meanwhile, thousands of thousands of times had I struggled to seal the worst memories with a shrug. Then I would once again be brave enough to go on bumming. Nevertheless, sometimes I woke up wrapped in sweated blanket and was unable to go back sleep again --

      Am I just desperate to escape the paws of the Demon of Nightmare? So fast am I running, so aimlessly am I wandering, that once again I can't help wondering, and once again so helpless I feel that I burst into laughters.
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第1章 Order I

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